Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Where does a book idea come from? The origin of the Soulkind Series.

I've written plenty of stories in my life, but only a few that I've taken the time to really flesh out for a novel. What was it about this idea that held me captive for so many years? What was the seed for "The Soulkind Awakening?"
Yes, the original green stone is in my Lord of the Rings container...

Way back to 1995, my friend Chris and I went on a winter break trip to Europe. Yes, it was a really cold time of year to visit, but it happened. We visited Germany, France, Austria, and the Czech Republic. This was my first time to Europe and it was really humbling to be next to things that were VERY old. I mean, the oldest gravestones I'd ever seen in the U.S. went back to the 1800s, but the castles and tombs I saw out there blew any sense of "old" I had away. 

Out of all of the spots we visited, Prague ended up being the most beautiful city I've ever seen. It was, for some reason, like I had come home. I remember one day Czech-ing things out all alone and found myself under this really unique tree overlooking the Charles Bridge. 
My only picture I have of it from '95. I should scan this somewhere.

Ok this is a photo I found online. MUCH better. Apparently is called "Strom u Czerne veze"
As I sat under this tree in silence, gazing out upon a frozen city, I was speechless. I let the memory wash over me. This was unlike anything I had had ever seen in my life. I happened upon a small stone on the top of that level there, nothing special mind you, just a memento that I then picked up, rubbed my fingers over, and placed it in my jacket pocket. 

I thought nothing of this stone again until many months later after returning to the states. Back in Rochester I put my winter coat on again (maybe it was May... you still need a winter coat in May there) and put my hand into a pocket where suddenly I touched the stone I found by that tree in Prague. As I felt it in my palm, I was suddenly back in Prague. The memory flashed past my eyes as if I were there again. It was quite surreal. 

Little did I know, but that was the seed for the Soulkind series. If you've read the story, you know a certain character keeps a rock collection. Not for the rocks themselves, but for the memories they contain. If he has an experience he wants to remember, he picks up a rock and mentally imprints the moment there. If he wants to remember it, he only has to touch the stone again and the memory comes back in a flash. 

The problem is, this character has a stone in his possession that he has no memory of how he obtained it. 

What is it that has been a "seed" for a story? Have you let it grow? Or just let it sit somewhere for "another day?" Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Turning your book into an audiobook... easier than it sounds!

The other month I happened upon a post on my local writing association's FB page. One of the people there was describing how easy it had been to get her book turned into an audiobook. Of course, I balked at this. I mean, how easy could it be? Sounds terribly expensive, and how do you get the right narrator?

I had, in fact, tried to make my story into one the other year, and man it was tough. I had to carve out the time (always difficult), set up a sound booth with a nice mic and some sound deadening foam, and be consistent on my voices. I gave up after the 4th chapter.

So, I looked into this site,, and wondered how had I missed this? It seems too easy and good to be true. Check out the potential "producers" (as the narrators are called since they pretty much do EVERYTHING to get the audio ready to go), even ask potential ones to check out your book. Even if you want to BECOME a producer, you're in the right place. Get training, and sign up to accept projects. Once your project is in progress, producers can audition based on a script you provide.

Easy! Maybe I got lucky, but in a few days I had a couple of producers interested in my story and soon I was off to the races. I've been in contact with my narrator as he uploads chapters, making corrections as needed.

It has been a 2 month project and it will be all ready next weekend. Once the story is ready to go, ACX will make the audio available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Seems like a pretty good way to market it.

Edit: I forgot about payment! There are a couple of options for you and your producer. One is the flat fee. Pay your producer a set amount and you're done forever. If you're like me, you might go the other route if you're not willing to drop $500 for your project. The other way is the royalty deal. This way you go 50/50 with your producer. For me, I'm looking at a $10 product, and I would get 4 bucks per book, same as the producer.

Let me get back to you after it is available! Want to check out my titles? It is the Soulkind Series, including The Soulkind Awakening and The Shadow of the Soulkind. The final book in the series, The Soulkind Master, will be available this Fall, 2019. Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and some local Indie Bookstores around Portland, Oregon.

See me on FB (the Soulkind Series), @sciteachah on Twitter, and the Soulkind Blog here.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

C'mon Chewie... Didn't you learn anything?

Chewie makes the same mistake playing Dejarik (the Millenium Falcon chess game). You'd think this wookiee of 200 years would have learned from his mistakes... How did he live so long?

Monday, January 21, 2019

Solo: A Star Wars Story Review

Solo: A Star Wars StorySolo: A Star Wars Story by Disney Lucasfilm Press
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Want a near word for word transcription of the movie? Well, this is very nearly it. Outside of a few cool inside bits of information, (the insight into that crazy space creature, a few character tidbits I was wondering about [was it really Twotubes at the end of the movie in Enfys Nests gang... a Saw Guerrera compatriot... and yes it was], hearing all of Chewie's dialog in English (that was cool instead of "grwwl arrgh" for the whole book), then the book was just like the movie.
Which isn't a bad thing. It's just not a new thing.

View all my reviews

Sunday, January 20, 2019

My review of "Lando's Luck" by Justine Ireland

Star Wars: Lando's LuckStar Wars: Lando's Luck by Justina Ireland
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A good fun Star Wars tale. Just don't expect anything too deep, it is a "junior" title. But, I did enjoy listening to it.
I really enjoyed hearing more about Lando, but when the story shifted to the other character I felt a little distracted. Not that it wasn't fun, it was that I wanted MORE Lando.
The story starts with a minor character from the Force Awakens: Bazine Netal. Now, I liked the story she was in, so I was excited to hear more about her. BUT... she's just in there to be in there. Although, it does make me wonder when this part of the story takes place with her in the overall timeline.
A quick mission, no real threat from the Empire, just some thugs wanting their money back from Calrissian, but you do get to the heart of Lando (since the rest of the stuff is all McGuffin anyway). Have you read it? Let me know in the comments!

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